The Secret, a film produced by Prime Time Productions, consists of a series of interviews and dramatizations related to "The Law of Attraction". Distributed through DVD, and online (through streaming media), the film and the subsequent publication of a book by the same name and of the same topic as the film, has attracted interest from media figures such as Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, and Larry King as well as criticism from the mainstream press.
I personally read the book myself and found it rather interesting. The main topic of the book is the Law of attraction where one can call upon the universe for something to be done. This book is rather motivating, but one cannot rely solely on the contents of this book and aim to become a rich guy one day. This book asks us to imagine ourselves getting something done, or doing something we want...and soon after it will be done. Yes, it may seem unbelievable but it isn't. No, i haven't tried it myself but the book provides evidence that it may happen. So if you totally believe this book then give it a shot...BUY IT!!! If you don't believe in it then don't waste your time or money.
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