
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Joke: Airport

In an airport, passengers are waiting for their flight to arrive at gate 46. Then an announcement is made saying : " All passengers boarding flight SQ2990 from gate 46, please move to gate 21...Thank You" As told, the passengers took their bags and shifted to gate 21" After 5 minutes another announcement is made: " All passengers boarding flight SQ2990 from gate 21 please move back to gate 46...thank you" Now the irritated passengers dragged themselves back to gate 46. A minute later another announcement was made: "Thank you passengers of flight SQ2990 for taking part in the Airport exercise"

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Shocking Chinese buns

A shocking news has emerged from China where Chinese bun sellers use cardboard as the fillings in the bun. The cardboard is soaked in water till it is soft, then it is chopped and mixed with the rest of the ingredients used to fill the bun. Then some flavour is added. By adding cardboard, the bun sellers save money by not buying the meat needed.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Live Earth

Live Earth which was held recently aimed to raise awareness of Global warming. This concert was estimated tohave been viewed by at least 1 billion people. But don't you think this sounds stupid? Instead of raising awareness of global warming, 'they' in fact consumed more electricity. This means Live Earth contributed in the global warming process. But in the long-run, more electricity is saved and more awareness is raised about global warming.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Is this installment of the Harry Potter novel a success? I don't think so. Harry Potter has evolved from a fun magical story to a dark adult sort of a story. I read the book and found it rather boring. Although the critics hail Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix as a fantastic story, I find that HP has lost its 'magic'. The cast have grown older and this may be the reason for the change in the tone of the movie.