
Monday, June 9, 2008

Viswanath's is it real?

Out of all YouTube clips I've viewed before, be it an execution or gory accident clips...the video I watched yesterday made me sick. As the 1 minute video screened before me, I watched it in disgust and horror. The content of the clip was so disturbing that it may have given any pregnant women a second thought of delivering her baby.

Wanna know what's in that clip? Brace yourself, it was a clip of a crying baby....
Well, the baby wasn't any normal baby we would see, this baby had red bulging eyes. Its skin was all cracked and its mouth was crooked. You may think I'm kidding but I'm not. The condition of the baby is caused by a rare disease.

If you want to view this clip, go to YouTube and type: snake baby.

And also, this baby died an hour later for reasons I'm not sure of. Have remorse for this baby when you watch this clip(if you have the guts to) and keep in mind that this baby lived only an hour in which it suffered pitifully.

1 comment:

zoe said...

omg poor baby... *cry*
thanx 4 the comment